First on call representative:
Casey Warren
Cell: 605-390-2619
  Second on call representative: Ron Hines
Cell: 605-350-8038


The mission of the South Dakota Local Assistance State Team is to provide support, planning and assistance for the families and the department members following the loss of life or line-of-duty death of a public safety officer.

Current Deployment

Christmas Wish List

If you are looking for an organization to support during the holidays, you have found it. South Dakota Local Assistance State Team (SD-LAST) is a 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to assist the families and departments of emergency responders that have fallen in the line of duty. We also assist agencies is providing honors to those that have passed away but not as a result of an emergency response.

While we are accustomed to "doing more with less", the items listed below would greatly enhance our mission response and increase our capability to provide honors and the final tribute to those that have went before us. We are humbled that you are considering SD-LAST for your holiday or end of year donation. Below are some items that are on our "Wish List".

  • Funding to bring in and host a class focused on developing Honor Guard members.
  • Funding for printing signage during memorials
  • Memorial bells to be used during the bell ceremony.
  • Memorial bell stand
  • Flag related items
    • 3' x 5' American flag, pole, topper, base
    • 3' x 5' State of South Dakota flag, pole, topper, base
    • 3' x 5' Firefighter Memorial flag, pole, topper, base
    • 5' x 9.5' American flag, Casket flag
    • Casket flag bands
    • 20' x 30' American flag
    • 30' x 50' American flag
  • Ferno adjustable casket table
  • White dress gloves, Small-Med-Large-XLarge-XXLarge.
  • Black apparatus bunting
  • Black table covers of various sizes (6' rectangle, 8' rectangle, 4' square, 5' round, 6' round)
  • Chrome Pike Pole with case
  • Chrome Axe with case
  • Portable PA system with microphone, 100' extension cord
  • Orange traffic cones

If your organization needs documentation showing the donation for tax purposes, please let us know and we
will make sure that is generated for you or your business.

Casey Warren, President
South Dakota Local Assistance State Team


SD-LAST is a 100% volunteer organization. Members are either current or retired emergency service professionals with a drive to support their fellow brethren.

Past Deployments

Firefighter Line of Duty Deaths

Assisted the Presho Volunteer Fire Department

Assisted the Sturgis Volunteer Fire Department

Assisted the Argyle Volunteer Fire Department

Assisted the Chester Volunteer Fire Department
Assisted the Cavour Volunteer Fire Department  

Law Enforcement Line of Duty Deaths

Assisted the Moody County Sheriff's Department

Non-Line of Duty Death Assistance

Assisted the Piedmont Fire/Ambulance Service
Assisted the Black Hills National Forest

Hughes County Sheriff’s Office
Draper Volunteer Fire Department
South Shore Volunteer Fire Department
Sioux Falls Fire Rescue
Roscoe Volunteer Fire Department
Huron Fire Department

Gayville Volunteer Fire Department
Hyde County Sheriff’s Office
Alexandria Volunteer Fire Department

Kennebec Volunteer Fire Department
Argyle/Minnekahta Volunteer Fire Department
Chancellor Volunteer Fire Department
Winner Volunteer Fire Department
Burke Volunteer Fire Department
Faulkton Volunteer Fire Department

Wood Volunteer Fire Department
Centerville Volunteer Fire Department
Huron Fire Department
Jefferson Volunteer Fire Department

Alpena Volunteer Fire Department
Union County Sheriff's Department